Color plays an important role in the kitchen, as it has a remarkable power to reveal the unique character of a space.

Playing with ideas and inspirations from neutral to bright colours, the Cuisines Steam team has put together a color universe guide to help you make informed choices when designing your kitchen.

The role of colors

 In addition to playing a major role in creating a distinctive ambiance in your space, colors are also the element most quickly discerned by the human retina.

They certainly deserve some attention, don't you think?

Unlike other rooms, the kitchen is, and will always be, the epicenter of the house. A common place to share revelations, to have prolonged discussions and to partake in wine tasting discoveries; the kitchen welcomes, unites and comforts.

From neutral colors, and bright hues, to warmer shades, and passing through cool tints, they all have a story to tell... let’s discover your personality!

Warm colors

The definition of a warm color is a color that basically contains yellow, such as red and orange. These hues generally evoke a feeling of warmth and well-being when we are exposed to them. Fire and autumn colored landscapes; they exude energy, positivism and passion.

Do you dream of a warm, intimate and welcoming space with a friendly atmosphere that makes your kitchen the center for gatherings and sharing? Opt for warm colors!

Yellow, ivory, red, pink, and hues of coffee and orange can all help make your space feel rich and warm. These sunny, vitaminized tones in your kitchen can bring a feeling of joy, happiness and energy, a winning recipe to start your day off right!

Cool colors

Cool colors are obtained by mixing warm colors such as red and yellow with the primary color blue. Blue and green bring a wind of freshness and softness to a space. They are reminiscent of the night, the sky, the water and nature. They exude calm, harmony and sobriety.

If you are looking for a kitchen that inspires calmness, serenity, a perfect space to cook up your favorite recipes and find yourself in all that is simplicity and quietness, then cool tones are for you!

 From dark sea blue to pastel blue, forest green to sage green, to purplish hues reminiscent of wealth and royalty, these colors can help expand your space and transform your kitchen into a soothing place. A Zen atmosphere to recharge your batteries, an invitation to travel no matter the time of day; a timeless, refined and sophisticated space.


Bright colors

Bright colors give a youthful and fun touch to the kitchen. Opting for these dazzling shades lets you express your bolder side. In addition to making the kitchen the center of attention, choosing bright colors allows us to reveal our personality.

These vivid hues are ideal for anyone looking to create a modern and contemporary space that pops with unexpected accents.

Neutral colors 

Neutral tones help express a more minimalist, traditional and soothing look. These colors allow more freedom when it comes to adding colorful accessories.

In the eyes of many, the use of neutral colors instinctively reflects the lack of creativity. It is however the opposite. Neutral colors help broaden horizons because they blend with a wide range of vibrant colors.

 Lighter hues promote a more airy and bright environment. They tend to adhere to a theme that is as minimalist as it is traditional.

Neutrality makes it possible to play with the colors of other kitchen elements, in particular those of the countertops, cabinets and wall tiles.

It is in a way, the canvas that evolves according to your desires and the seasons.

Color scheme rules

These colors integrate into a universe that is as creative as it is vast. Exploring this universe is the only way to tame it and discover which colors we like the most. Regardless of your preferences, it is important to limit the number of colors to two or three maximum to make the space cohesive.

Are you intimidated by the world of warm and sunny hues? Dare with balance! In order to reduce their intensity, harmoniously integrate cool colors, such as the use of concrete, for the floor or the counter.

As for the cool colors, we repeat the exercise in reverse by pairing warmer tones or materials, like warm wood for example, so that together their beauty is revealed.

Whether it's for a complete kitchen remodel project or just to refresh your decor with accessories, we hope this color guide inspires you to bring your kitchen to life by making your personality speak for itself through color!