The possibilities and ideas are endless when it comes to kitchen design. So the Steam team got together to discuss our designers wildest dreams. If we could make our dream kitchen come true, what would be one feature we'd like to see?

Here's the dream of each of our designers.



Let's start with Patrizia, who shares with us her dream of having a swing in her kitchen. We're used to seeing more standard options like stools, benches and chairs, but why not integrate a swing into your kitchen? The perfect place to sit and read a book, or even enjoy a glass of wine when it's time for happy hour.

Patrizia lets herself dream and transports us to southern Italy with a second element she'd like to find in her dream kitchen one day. A shallow stone sink. Some might call it banal at first glance, but the image below speaks for itself. Who wouldn't dream of a very rustic-looking stone sink in a country house in Italy? Set up right in front of a large open window, ready to wash fruit and vegetables straight from the garden and harvested that very morning. The stone sink will undoubtedly add a lot of charm to your space, not to mention functionality with its minimal depth.



Brigitte, for her part, dreams of having an open wood-burning fireplace in her next kitchen! More commonly found in European homes, the wood-burning fireplace can perform a variety of functions, from heating the room to cooking food, to creating a warm, enveloping atmosphere.



Let's continue with Marie-Sophie, Steam's green thumb! A lover of plants and herbs, she dreams of a kitchen with a built-in greenhouse. Living in Quebec, where winters are harsh, the idea of growing her own herbs year-round in her kitchen is irresistible. A greenhouse at your fingertips for a kitchen that's always fresh and fragrant!

Following the same trend as the built-in greenhouse, Marie-Sophie particularly appreciates the idea of incorporating plants into everyday furnishings, whether on stairs, a console or many other elements...



Lara, originally from Italy and newly settled in Quebec, is familiar with smaller kitchens. That's why she's always imagined her kitchen with an island that transforms into a table, giving priority to functionality. Using the countertop during meal preparation and then transforming the space into a table for dinner - that's the efficiency Lara is looking for.

In order to maximize space, Lara also dreams of having a floating island as a kitchen, adding a design touch to her space. A perfect marriage of functionality and aesthetics in the kitchen of her dreams.



Cathy's universe features a pink kitchen, which comes as no surprise to anyone who knows Cathy and her unconditional love of pink! There's no question of shy shades here. Her dream? To choose a bold pink to make her kitchen space vibrate.



Curved shapes and rounded lines were the order of the day when Virginie imagined her dream kitchen. Inspired by industrial designer Karim Rashid, her desire is to create a dynamic space full of movement. Imagine a kitchen where every detail embraces the fluidity of curves, transforming the ordinary into a functional work of art.



Bianca has always dreamed of a kitchen where nature takes root. Imagining her living space with an integrated tree, whether a majestic olive or a vibrant lemon, would bring a touch of life and freshness to her dream kitchen. A fusion of nature and kitchen for a warm, lively atmosphere.

Would you like to create the kitchen of your dreams? Get in touch with our team to discuss the possibilities. Take a look at our projects for more inspiration!

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